HOLY $4!7[SMOKES]! Another CRAP-alluding treaty?Post Scriptum: After we’ve begun I would like to thank the following alliances for all the work they put into this treaty;Phoenix Police Force (PhPF-ceased to exist)-Without them guys Krinkle/Tehol would probably have met BobTaco/Chuck Normis, or Matthewbaer.Cool Rats and People/Coalition of Royal Allied Powers (CRAP)- They were only necessary so that this was actually a treaty and not an extra piece of legislation for ACF (LOL)Total Liberation Front (ACF)- Necessary for the pure awesomeness provided. =]Article IV- Miscellaneous (these ones aren’t as fun to put in “N” words =])iii.---ANY digression from the terms results in immediate cancellation of it, unless both alliances agree that they can move on and forget about it.ii.--- ANY information relating to the other alliance that a signatory stumbles upon, or is given, must and will be relayed to the other alliance.i.----This treaty is in accordance with the ACF charter (particularly the article on treaties)Article III- “N” Words (Nukes, Non-Aggression, Nullification, Nammendments)v.--Teh Elves cannot attack any of CRAP’s friendlies, nor can CRAPpy fellows attack Elven friendlies. To make sure of this, all signatories will provide the other signatories with a list of their allies. Teh Elven one is here(Non-Aggression)iv.--No Elf shall clean up CRAP, nor shall CRAP dirty an Elf(Non-aggression)iii.--Nuclear weapons may only be used in retaliation(in defense of them), with consent from a MoW(or equivalent) or a member of the Triumvirate(or equivalent). The MoW or member of the Triumvirate must be in the alliance of the nation they are granting permission to use nuclear force.(Nukes)ii.--To leave the treaty a signatory must provide 48 hours notice.(Nullification)i.---Amendments to this treaty require a vote in favour from both CRAP and ACF, using whatever means their charter requires to reach this opinion.(Nammendments)Article II-Once Activatedi.---Once activated, the attacked alliance must inform the other alliance of the treaty's activation.ii.---Once informed, the informed must take their strongest military action against the attackers, for the attacked alliance(including use of in-game spies, but not spying as in posing as the enemy to gain intelligence).iii.--If the informed alliance does not wish to partake in strong military actions, they may instead choose to aid the attacked signatories with money(to the best of their ability).iv.--Soldiers or technology may be aided as a third option, but only if an agreement is made with the informed and the to be attacked.Article I-Treaty ActivationThis treaty may be activated with an attack upon a signatory. Any signatory may exercise their right to activate it upon their attack.Forward-In response to long held but never sanctified friendships, this treaty is formed. HAIL CRAP! LONG LIVE ACF!Signatures:Captain Ian, High CouncilTehol, High CouncilGeneral Justin, High CouncilCRAP Signatures:Chuck Normis-Co-Founder/LeaderMatthew Baer-LeaderALL MENTIONS OF Teh elves are references to TeLF, and alliance that merged with LAN to form ACF