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Advice / Re: Investment Banking
« Last post by Mydas on September 16, 2014, 09:23:38 am »
What do you want to know about it?  I've got a bunch of friends working IB
Advice / Re: Investment Banking
« Last post by constapatedape on September 16, 2014, 06:26:08 am »
Only what I've picked up from documentaries on the Great Recession.
Advice / Investment Banking
« Last post by andy50 on September 16, 2014, 12:13:06 am »
Do any of you guys have any knowledge on this particular field?
Advice / Re: Racism
« Last post by Mydas on September 14, 2014, 05:23:47 pm »
Advice / Re: Racism
« Last post by tarman2010 on September 13, 2014, 01:03:08 am »
He's right, we should kick him out. We don't want his kind around here.
Advice / Racism
« Last post by Dickhead Dave on September 13, 2014, 12:44:34 am »
I need advice. This sub-forum's description states that this sub-forum is only for CRAPpers. That's racism. Or I'm an illegal immigrant for somehow managing to post a thread here.
Archives / Aftermath (Supreme MDoAP Bloc w/ TTK, CCC, NADC, MXCA and UPN)
« Last post by constapatedape on August 02, 2014, 10:44:45 pm »
Mother Digiterra, in all her glory, is a brutal planet. She wields her power through the terrible wars that blast through our lands. She is the ultimate equalizer who enacts her justice through mighty alliances. And each time Digiterra brings forth these natural events with such ferocity, what is left behind is her judgment, her decision, her aftermath.

WE ARE AFTERMATH, a Supreme Mutual Defense and Optional Aggression Pact. We have bonded together to continue Mother Digiterra’s righteousness and to ensure that her integrity is enforced. We the undersigned alliances, the Powers of Digiterra, hereby reaffirm our faith in the fundamental rights, dignity, and sovereignty of all entities that seek balance in the world, and in each other. We have joined arms in the true spirit of supreme friendship, understanding our legacy is our unity.

Article I: Definitions
A. A member of Aftermath shall be known as either a Power, signatory, member, or member-alliance.
B. Aftermath defines an alliance as that of ten (10) or more member-nations.

Article II: Sovereignty
A. The independent sovereignty of each signatory shall be respected. The independence of each alliance shall be maintained throughout the bloc’s existence.

Article III: Communication, Intelligence, Individual Connections
A. We the Powers recognize the validity of this treaty and understand its components. We shall not engage in hostile or near-hostile actions, including war and espionage, or words in any form or channel against each other.
B. We agree to remain on friendly terms in public at all times and will resolve all personal conflicts in confidence. We also agree to relay any pertinent information to the safety, security, and well-being of each alliance at all times.
C. Signatories will inform all other Powers through the Panel of Powers of any treaties they are signing at least seventy-two (72) hours before that treaty goes into effect and allow for a discussion period within the bloc.
D. A bloc forum and an IRC bloc channel will be established for public use.

Article IV: Security and Peace
A. Pursuant to Article II, no Power may declare war upon any other. Should any member nation declare on another members nation, it is required that they offer peace immediately and pay reparations of no less than one-hundred-fifty percent (150%) of the damages caused by any attacks unless another satisfactory agreement is reached by the involved alliances.
B. In order to ensure peace, the target of such attacks may not retaliate in any way for twenty-four (24) hours following notification to their alliance of the war, to allow time for diplomatic resolution. This shall be void if the assault includes multiple aggressors of the same alliance or de facto/de jure allies.

Article V: Mutual Defense
A. Should the feeble attempts of FEMA and its miserable partners attempt to ease the effects of one Power, the full might of the entire Aftermath shall ensue upon the naïve aggressor. Each signatory agrees to defend each other via military, political, and financial actions unless alternate strategies are developed.
B. A signatory is waived from this mandate should the initially engaged Power grant it.

Article VI: Optional Aggression
A. If a Power must extend Mother Earth’s justice first, it may call upon its fellow members for assistance. Fellow members will not be required to participate in these aggressive conflicts, but encouraged to participate.
B. In order for an aggressive action to be sanctioned, it must be approved by two-thirds (2/3) of the signatories in the Panel of Powers.
C. No signatory may take any action, whether military, political, or financial, on behalf of another signatory without the approval of that Power. Approval must come from the Power’s leader or equivalent.

Article VII: Membership and Expulsion
A. Upon ratification of this treaty, additional signatories may be added upon unanimous vote of the Panel of Powers. Prospective signatories will only be considered upon an official invitation and sponsorship of a current signatory.
B. Signatories may be removed from this treaty upon a unanimous vote of the Panel, excluding the accused Power. Grounds for expulsion include but are not limited to:

1.Failure to post within the bloc forums for a period of two (2) weeks.
2.Failure to maintain proper IRC communications.
3.Failure to abide by Articles V and VI.

C. Any Power that undergoes a merger resulting in a greater than thirty-three percent (33%) increase in members will be placed on probation. A revote for continuing membership will immediately commence pursuant Article VII, Sections A and B.
D. All votes regarding membership status must be proceeded by forty-eighty (48) hours of discussion. The voting window shall last no less than seventy-two (72) hours, unless the required number of votes is reached at an earlier time.

Article VIII: The Panel of Powers
A. The bloc shall be governed by a primary and executive committee, called the Panel of Powers. Each signatory is permitted to have three (3) representatives. The first representative shall be the Senior Delegate, who shall have one (1) equal vote. The second shall be the Delegate, who has no voting powers, but participates in Panel discussions with the Senior Delegate. Finally, the third shall be an Observer, who may not vote and does not participate in discussions, but simply observes discussions. All votes are equal in representation. Each representative shall be granted administrative powers in the bloc forums, and SOP powers in the IRC bloc channel.
B. The Panel of Powers shall have the authority to create special committees for any necessary purpose.
C. The Panel must approve all actions by any lower committee. These votes must be approved by a simple majority of the Panel.
D. The Panel may take action without the lower committees. These actions must be approved by two-thirds (2/3) of the Panel.
E. The authority of the Panel shall not infringe upon the independence of each alliance, unless such alliance permits it.
F. Delegates are not required to obtain approval from their respective alliances to vote in the Panel. However, it is up to each alliance to determine voting procedures for each Delegate.
G. There shall be a channel devoted purely for the needs of the Panel of Powers.
H. The Panel shall be presided over by a sitting Delegate, who shall be known as the Speaker. The Speaker is responsible for establishing voting polls, determining meeting times, and maintaining order during meetings. The Chair shall rotate every two (2) months, ensuring each signatory is granted the Chair.
I. The Speaker shall be the unofficial leader of the bloc, acting as a representative to the world. The Speaker is responsible for posting announcements to the world.
J. The Speaker, only in cases in which the Panel ties shall have tie-breaking powers.

Article IX: Violations
A. Failure of any member nation to uphold the terms of this treaty will result in immediate disciplinary action by that nation’s alliance. Recommended action is expulsion or reparations.

Article X: Supremacy
A.This bloc of AFTERMATH shall take precedent over all other treaties and blocs held by the signatories unless otherwise agreed upon by the bloc members. Membership in any future blocs is discouraged and must be approved by the bloc members and could result in expulsion from AFTERMATH
B. Nothing in this treaty shall restrict any signatory from signing independent treaties with any other alliance as long as all procedures outlined in this treaty are met.
C. All conflicts from outside treaties shall be considered optional for the entire bloc. All signatories agree to confer with fellow Powers regarding outside military action before taking any measures to act.

Article XI: Amendments
A. This agreement may be amended by a unanimous vote of the signatory alliances. All amendment voting windows must last a minimum of seventy-two (72) hours and be preceded by forty-eight (48) hours of discussion on the bloc forums before voting may commence.

Article XII: Withdrawal
A. If any signatory alliance feels that this treaty has been unjustly violated and all diplomatic negotiations have been exhausted, they have the right to withdraw from the treaty as expressed by their individual governing body. Sufficient reason for withdrawal must first be discussed in the Panel of Powers before acceptance of said withdrawal. Notification of withdrawal must be given to the other signatories forty-eight (48) hours prior to cancellation.

Signed for The Apparatus:

Randalla, Patroness
King Ernie, Director
WorldPeace, Emissary
DarthRevan, Professor
Elbryan, Chief Engineer
ConRed, General
Amarynth, Propagandist
BigKif, Speaker of the General Assembly

Signed for the Christian Coalition of Countries:

LKFHT, Minister of Internal Affairs
Czechinthepipes, Minister of Defense
Llanowar Elf, Minister of Foreign Affairs, lover of Bacon. And spam. Spam with Bacon.
Wes the Wise, Chancellor

Signed for the Coalition of Royal Allied Powers:

Chuck Normis, Triumvir/Founder of CRAP; aka Almighty Lord Buddha
constapatedape, Triumvir, That Guy
Raistandantilus, Triumvir, Pope, Prosopographer-in-Chief
HRH Jonathan Webb II, Minister of War/Defense - Defender of the Holy CRAP
Lawno, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Token Aussie of The Internet
AcidSponge, Minister of Internal Affairs
Barney and Friends, Minister of Finance
Champcardon of Rudostan, Chancellor of the Coalition of Royal Allied Powers

Signed for the Multicolored Cross-X Alliance:

AndrewHG, Chancellor
jrkee, Deputy Chancellor and Minister of Foreign Affairs
gibsonian12, Minister of Defense
Mr Havok, Minister of the Interior
rmbrauer3270, Minister of Finance
mcp13, High Councillor
dnice, High Councillor

Signed for the North Atlantic Defense Coalition:

Dark Wizard, Secretary General
Tiagoroth, Minister of Internal Affairs
Simman31, Minister of Foreign Affairs
Aloysius, Minister of Defense
Scotia The Brave, Minister of Finance

Signed for The Templar Knights:

Hawkeye, Grand Master
salsabeast1, Marshal of Foreign Affairs
lolatyou, Marshal of Finance
Merick, Marshal of Recruiting
Teredona, Marshal of Aid
Chuck (on behalf of Amy), Marshal of Defense
Piejonk, Sargent At Arms
Der Eine, Elder Councilor

Signed for United Purple Nations:

SeuwP, Head of State
Robster, Second in Command/Minister of Foreign Affairs
Altheus, Minister of Defense
Underlordgc, Minister of Internal Affairs
Dexomega, Minister of Finance
Archives / CRAP - BoS Protectorate Agreement
« Last post by constapatedape on August 02, 2014, 10:29:53 pm »
In recognition of the friendship between the Brotherhood of Sithis (henceforth known as BoS) and the Coalition of Royal Allied Powers (henceforth known as CRAP) this Protectorate Declaration is signed:

Article I - Sovereignty

1. BoS and CRAP will remain sovereign alliances.

Article II - Defense

1. BoS is hereafter a protectorate of CRAP; any attack upon BoS will be considered an attack upon CRAP, and will be defended as such by members of CRAP.
2. CRAP is required upon signing of this document to provide military defense to BoS, should they be attacked.
3. Should CRAP enter a conflict due to other treaty obligations BoS is not required to defend CRAP, but has the option to defend CRAP if they are so willing.

Article III - Aggression

1. BoS is not required to join or assist (whether it be with military, monetary, or otherwise) in a conflict which has been started by CRAP, unless they see fit.
2. CRAP is required to join or assist (whether it be with military, monetary, or otherwise) in a conflict which has been started by BoS.

Article IV - Communication and Intelligence

1. Any Intelligence relevant to either CRAP or BoS will be shared through the correct channels in a speedy and timely manner.
2. Both CRAP and BoS agree to treat each other kindly in public and private channels.
3. Both CRAP and BoS agree to keep open communication with the other through both embassies and IRC channels.

Article V - Tech selling and Senate Voting

1. BoS shall give CRAP exclusive status when considering tech dealing. This status allows “first-dibs” on any tech deals with BoS.
2. Any BoS member on the Maroon team will vote for whomever CRAP is supporting for Maroon team Senate.

Article VI - Aid

1. BoS may ask CRAP financial assistance if it is needed. Both alliances will agree on a timetable to pay back the aid given by CRAP, unless it is waived.
2. Should BoS need help with nation building or war preparation, they may request access to any guides and resources CRAP has at its disposal, given they are kept private and used only by BoS members.

Article VII ~ Treaties

1. BoS are required to bring treaty drafts or any treaty plans to the attention of CRAP government at least one week (seven days) before signing.
2. BoS is strongly encouraged to consult with CRAP about any Foreign Affairs plans.

Article VIII ~ Merger

1. Should BoS feel it necessary to disband, the BoS membership will merge into CRAP.
2. CRAP will continue to protect the AA “Brotherhood of Sithis” until there are no longer any nations under that AA.

Article VIII ~ Cancellation and Upgrade

1. If either CRAP or BoS feel as though they are not buddies anymore they must give the other a 72 hour warning period before they cancel this treaty.
2. The treaty will remain in effect for the 72 hour period after cancellation.
3. Should BoS feel as though they no longer require protectorate status, this treaty may be upgraded.
Signed for Coalition of Royal Allied Powers:

~Chuck Normis - Triumvir/Founder of CRAP, aka Almighty Lord Buddha
~constapatedape, Triumvir of CRAP
~Raistandantilus - Triumvir, Pope (unretired), Breaker of Fasts
~Darthboy155, MoF, Master of the bills
~Champcardon, Chancellor of CRAP
~Lawno - MoIA - Token Aussie of the Internet

Signed for Brotherhood of Sithis:

Head Councilman - Zacharias
Councilman of the Interior - cgoverlord
Councilman of Economics - Nathan
Councilman of Defense - jimmykong
Archives / The Brown Snow Pact (ODoAP With Avalanche)
« Last post by constapatedape on August 02, 2014, 10:28:14 pm »

The alliances of Avalanche and The Coalition of Royal Allied Powers (CRAP) enter into this pact to show the strong and growing bonds of friendship.

Article I- Sovereignty

Both signatories recognize the right of the other signatory to exclusively exercise authority in all aspects of its own internal domain. No action may be taken to undermine the sovereignty of either alliance.

Article II- Peace and Intelligence

Both signatories hereby agree to peace as long as this treaty is in effect. Neither will attack the other whether it be directly, or in the form of aid (monetary or otherwise) to the enemy(s) of either signatory. Both signatories are to pass on information that could be vital to the other one in a timely fashion via established channels.

Article III- Optional Defense

Both signatories are highly encouraged, but not required to defend the other should they come under attack.

Article IV- Optional Aggression

Neither signatory is required to join or assist in a conflict started by the other, but should they request to join they will be allowed to participate.

Article V - Cancellation

Should either signatory feel they want to withdraw from this pact they must alert the other party 72 hours in advance. The pact remains in effect until that 72 hour time period expires

Signed for CRAP

~constapatedape, Triumvir
~Chuck Normis ~ Frounder/Triumvir of CRAP; aka Almighty Lord Buddha
~Raistandantilus - Triumvir, Pope, Master of Disguise
~Darthboy155, MoF, Master of the bills.
~Lawno, MoIA, Token Aussie of the internet.
~Champcardon of Rudostan, Chancellor of the Coalition of Royal Allied Powers

Signed for Avalanche

Alpine Patroller - Sir Exodus
Nordic Patroller - Melchizedek
Mountain Host - Minion Rouse
Auxiliary Patrollers -
Nitropenta - Development and Aid
Don Supremo - Recruiting
Archives / Wombat Crap Pile Accords (ODP With Mortal Wombat)
« Last post by constapatedape on August 02, 2014, 10:26:40 pm »
Wombat Crap Pile Accords

The Coalition of Royal Allied Powers (CRAP) and Mortal Wombat (MW), having built strong bonds of friendship, enter into this Optional Defense Pact.

I. Sovereignty

CRAP and MW will remain separate sovereign alliances

II. Peace, Aid and Intelligence

-Both CRAP & MW agree to maintain peaceful relations with one another and show no intent of aggression or harm towards one another.

-Both CRAP and MW will make aid, either in the form of cash or tech, available to the other party when requested.

-Should either alliance obtain information vital to the other party, they the former shall bring it to the attention of the latter as soon as possible

III. Optional Defense

-Both CRAP and MW have the right to offer to come to the defense of the other party should they be attacked,; however, they are not required to provide defense

-Should either party deny the offer for defense, the other party will not question the decision

IV. Good Faith

-In the event of an incident causing strain between CRAP and MW, both parties agree to make a good faith effort to resolve the issue before resorting to treaty cancellation.

V. Cancelation/Upgrading

-Should CRAP or MW want to withdraw from this treaty, they must give a 72 hour notice

-After notice of cancellation, the treaty will remain in effect for the duration of those 72 hours. Thereafter, the document will be null and void.

-After 90 days both parties will review this treaty and decide if they wish to upgrade Clause III to a non-chaining mutual defense clause

Signed for MW:
Empress Kiley Zortdess of Chaos Realm
Char Aznable (Edward Mass) Zort of Earth Realm
Demonic Zort of Outworld
Howlin Mad Demi-Zort of Chaos

Signed for CRAP:
constapatedape, Triumvir of CRAP
Raistandantilus - Triumvir, Ecumenical Patriarch, The Most Dangerous Game
Chuck Normis ~ Founder/Triumvir of CRAP; aka Almighty Lord Buddha
Lawno, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Token Aussie of The Internet.
HRH Jonathan Webb II - Minister of War/Defense - Defender of the Holy CRAP
Champcardon of Rudostan, Chancellor of the Coalition of Royal Allied Powers

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Chuck Normis

Minister of Internal Affairs:

Minister of Recruitment:
